
Tubkaak, I love You!

Olen löytänyt aivan superihanan hotellin Krabista, jonne mahdollisesti olemme ajamassa Phuketista loman jossain vaiheessa. Todennäköisesti sen jälkeen, kun Kaisa ja Ville ovat lähteneet takaisin kotiin.

Tämä hotelli ei ole ihan mikään halvin mahdollinen, mutta näin sesongin ulkopuolella sieltä saa ihan hyviä diilejä. Jään nyt unelmoimaan tästä, sillä vielä emme varaa mitään. Pidämme suunnitelmat auki ja lähdemme Krabiin, jos siltä tuntuu.


Sateinen keskiviikko

Takana kolme työpäivää, edessä vielä kaksi ja sitten koittaa taas viikonloppu. Tänään pääsin juuri parahiksi kotiin, kun alkoi sataa vettä. Koko illan on satanut ja kissatkin viihtyvät vaihteeksi sisätiloissa. Pörri nukkuu ja Piki kuuntelee ikkunassa sadetta. Kisu ja Christian katsovat elokuvaa olohuoneessa.

Ihan mukavaa, kun sataa ja voi nauttia siitä sisätiloissa. Ulkona tuoksuu raikas sade ja syreenit. Alkukesän tuoksu on huumaavan ihana.
Kaksi viimeyötä on ukkostanut, mutta minä olen ollut niin sikeässä unessa etten ole herännyt, vaikka maanantain ja tiistain välinen ukkonen taisi olla aika kova.

Tänään siivosin heti kotiin tullessani yhden keittiönkaapin ja vaatehuoneen. Vielä pitäisi siivota oma vaatekaappi. Täytyy järjestellä vähän paikkoja, kun äiti tulee meille ensi viikolla asumaan kissojen kanssa.

Perjantaina käyn hakemassa äidiltä matkalaukun ja viikonloppuna katson vähän mitä otan mukaan.

Lauantaina olemme menossa syömään äidin ja Sirpan kanssa kiinalaiseen. Sunnuntaina olisi Linnanmäkipäivä, mutta Christian ei ole lämmennyt ajatukseen, eikä Lintsi nyt pahemmin houkuttele minuakaan.


Hotel booked!

Finally I have booked a hotel for us for the first night in Hong Kong. We are staying in the same hotel as Estelle and Matt have. The hotel is called Metropark Hotel Causeway Bay.
In the next morning we are then heading to Phuket to meet Kaisa and Ville on the 12th of June.

This is our hotel in Hong Kong!

Thank you Estelle for the help.


Garden work

I planted some flowers and plants today. It was pretty warm in the evening and it was nice to be in the garden. I bought flowers from Stockmann today. I will still need some more flowers but I might only get those after our holiday.

I got these neat signs from Petra

These flowers are from Stockmann

I got these flowers from Teija last weekend. Pörri had to ofcourse be in the picture as well.

My strawberries have grown a lot in just one weeks time.

These are pretty too.

Spiderman 3

Today we went to see the Spiderman 3. I was not a one bit interested about the movie but we got free tickets and Chris wanted to see it, so we went.

In one point the movie was totally boring. It was way too long and some parts of it were so so stupid. The both starring roles were played by the most uninteresting actor and actress I know. The movie is obviously made for the boys and men who love comics and that kind of childish stuff.
The ending was meant to bring tears to everyones eyes as Spiderman was crying but instead everyone in the theater laughed. The Spiderman actually was crying all the time in the movie. What kind of a superhero is that?

Chris found the movie stupid as well. He knew that the film would not be great but he still wanted to see it.



My dragon

My next tattoo is going to be a dragon. I went today to look different kind of pictures and found few that I liked. Kristian is now going to draw me one. I'm checking that out in the beginning of July and on the 5th I'm getting inked.

The dragon is going to be a Japanese dragon not Chinese as it has three toes. It is most likely going to be apple green with turquoise and pink belly. I can hardly wait.


Amy Winehouse: Back to Black

My next tattoo

Tomorrow I'm going to Legacy Tattoo to decide on my next tattoo. It is going to be a Chinese dragon and I'm going to take it on my right arm. I haven't found a suitable dragon yet but I'm sure tomorrow I will...

What is normal?

You Are 40% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

and 60% not?

I answered to every question the opposite I would really have answered, but still I would only be 55% normal. Hmmmm...

This test is not normal.


I Love You!


Shopping for tomorrow

I just came home. We were shopping with our neighbors and bought stuff for tomorrows party. I have never bought so much food as today. We had ten bags full of salad stuff, drinks, snacks and all kinds of delicious things. We are having a party for about 40 people so we have to have lots to eat. The thing is though that everyone brings their own BBQ stuff and most of the drinks. We are still making three different kinds of punch drinks. I think we should have enough to eat and to drink.

We also went to Plantagen and I bought some flowers. I planted them already. I should have bought more but there was no room in the car.

Tomorrow is gonna be nice and sunny weather. We have a DJ playing records outside. It's gonna be a fun day.


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Make you wanna move your dancing feet now
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know, yall, can you understand?

When the mornin gather the rainbow, yeah, yeah
Want you to know, Im a rainbow too now
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know, yall, can you, can you, can you understand?

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet now
Make you wanna move your dancing feet, yeah
But to the rescue, here I am
Want you to know just if you can, here I stand, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Can you understand me now, baby?
Do you believe me?

-Bob Marley, Sun Is Shining-