
I'm feeling positive again

Today I have been feeling better than in a long time. I'm very positive about things. I'm also waiting for our Halloween party. I think it's going to be a success.

Tomorrow I have an exam. I haven't had much time to study. I need to get things going now.

I wrote a new CV today and I'm going to send it soon. Chris takes care of the visual side and it's really going to stand out.

Now I'm enjoying some ice cream and after that it's time to study.

Phish Food! NAM!


Hengissä ollaan!

Hengissä ollaan, kiitos vaan kysymästä Pee.

Täytyy sanoa, että otti todella koville. Eikä täällä ole kukaan säästynyt mun tunteenpurkauksilta. Pinna on ollut erittäin kireällä. Taisi olla mun viimenen intensiivikurssi. Otti tosiaan äärimmäisen koville ja eilinen meni itkiessä ja tehtäviä vääntäessä.

Huomenna ei ole koulua, mutta tenttiin pitää lukea. Tänään lähdin puolessa välissä tuntia eli klo 19. Treffasin Christianin Pasilassa ja käytiin Hesessä vetämässä ateriat. Sen jälkeen olenkin ollut vaan kotona ja nauttinut siideristä ja jutellut äidin kanssa Skypessä.

Keskiviikkona mulla on töistä vapaa, sillä pidän yhden talvilomapäivän silloin. Menen tekemään organisaatio käyttäytymisen tentin päivällä, sillä mulla ei ollut aikaa lukea siihen iltatenttiin, joka oli jo pari viikkoa sitten. En ole kyllä nytkään ehtinyt lukea. Huomenna pitäisi siis lukea ja keskiviikko aamulla.

Odotan lauantaisia bileitä jo innolla. Mahdollinen jatkomestakin on aika pitkälle järkätty, jos vaan kaikki menee putkeen. Joten kandee varautua hyvään menoon sitten loppuillastakin.

Näillä näkymin meille olisi tulossa noin 30 ihmistä, joka onkin kaikkien aikojen Halloween-vieras ennätys. Odottele innolla mitä hauskoja asuja tänä vuonna ihmisten päällä on.

Elämä alkaa taas voittaa. Zin Zin!



On intensiivi-viikko menossa.

Päiväni ovat olleet ja tulevat olevaan seuraavanlaisia perjantaihin asti.

1. herätys aamulla n. klo 6.40

2. aamupala

3. töihin

4. töissä notkumista=työskentelyä n. klo 8.30-16.30

5. kouluun

6. koulussa oleilua=luentojen kuuntelua ja ryhmätöitä klo 17.35-20.30

7. kotiin, kotona n. klo 21

8. ruokailu, jos jaksaa/maistuu safka

9. nukkumaan

Nyt olen menossa tämän prosessikaavion yhdeksännessä vaiheessa. Toivottavasti en taas ensi yönä työstä logistisia prosesseja / tilasuunnittelua vaan nukun tällä kertaa ihan oikeasti.

Illan pelastivat hyvät arvosanat oikeuden kurssilta. Ekasta osakokeesta tuli nelonen, ryhmätyöstä nelonen ja yksilötyöstä femma! Olenpa taas kerran hyvin ylpeä itsestäni. Hyvä minä!

Hyvin väsynyt ihminen näyttää tältä.

Today's cat pic




Tässä mun otsis ny sitten on. Se on vedetty tolleen jakaukselle. Inspiroiduin trendin yhdestä kuvasta ja tarkoitus on semmonen otsis hankkia, mutta sitä varten pitää vaappua kampaajalle. Se taas ei välttämättä tule tapahtumaan ihan heti, sillä laskelmieni mukaan en ole ensi kuussakaan yhtään tätä rikkaampi. On se perkele, kun ei ole varaa edes hiuksia leikata.

Joulukuussa luvassa sentään veronpalautuksina joitain satkuja.

Tämän viikon eka päivä takana ja olo on väsynyt. Veikkaan, että loppuviikosta olen kävelevä ruumis, kun joka ilta on istuttava luennolla ja lauantainakin on sinne raahauduttava. No helpottaapa tämä joulukuun puolessa välissä ainakin neljäksi viikoksi. Sitä odotellessa...



This weekend has not been very different to the past weekends: I have been studying. Today I wrote seven hours my study on organizational commitment. I have to say that doing the study has been very interesting.

I should do one Chinese assignment today as well. Next week I have no time at all. I have intensive course in logistic and that means lessons every day, also on Friday and Saturday.

This is my reward: a big ice cream!

Today's cat pic



Today's cat pic


A tough day

I've had a very tough day. I feel emotionally tired. Today I did things that I'm so proud of. I tell you later about that. It's too early now. Let's just say that I'm optimistic and that there can be a change in my life. I really hope that it will happen. I'm now in a situation which I can't handle much longer. I'm very tired, frustrated, mentally and physically drained.

Ps. I cut myself bangs.


My week so far..

Hello dear readers,

I have not forgotten you, although I've been pretty lazy on writing stuff here. I have been so busy that my words can't describe the busyness. I have been also feeling down for the reasons, some of you might know and some of you might not. I won't be getting into that here...yet.

Today I had a funny afternoon. I had my first Chinese lesson and it was hilarious. I learned how to say Coca cola in Chinese. I also learned how to say heroin and karaoke. Don't jump into any conclusions on those. That was just to practice the pronunciation. Our teacher is a Chinese guy who speaks fluently English and Finnish. The lesson was held in English because there were some international students also.

After the lessons I then came home and have been writing my study on Organizational Commitment. I interviewed some people for that and today I did the literation of those interviews. It took me few hours to do, but now it's done and next step is to use the material with the theory.

There is also an exam coming in two weeks time. My last exam for now is about Organizational Behavior. I have a book to read in English with 800 pages. I should start with that pretty soon.

Next week I have lessons every evening and also on Saturday morning. So I bet I'm gonna be tired after that. We have an intensive course in logistic. For that I got me two books. There are enough pages on those as well..

Now I better eat something. Haven't eaten anything since the lunch time.

This is me tonight. I'm very tired and it shows.


Today's cat pic


Consumption at Home

This post is part of the Blog Action Day.

Here are suggestions for more sustainable consumption at home:

* make sure your home is properly insulated to avoid unnecessary heating (and expences), room temperature should be between 18 and 20 Celsius

* pay attention to your water consumption (taking a shower, washing the laundry, washing the dishes): could you manage with lower water consumption?

* turn the lights and electrical appliances off when they are not used/needed

* prefer basic foodstuff and cooking (less processed food is often also healthier and cheaper)

* prefer locally produced food (avoid unnecessary transportation of foodstuff)

* if you have children prefer washable cloth diapers, in Finland it is estimated that 7% of all household waste consists of diapers (more information in Finnish from www.kestovaippainfo.fi)

* for women there are ecological products (menstrual cups, for example) for sanitary protection

Read about them from these links:




* avoid animal tested cosmetics


* pay attention how much detergent is necessary for cleaning (often a mild solution is enough and using more detergent does not have any better outcome)

* energy and water consumption with laundry: do not use laundry machine half empty, use proper temperatures

* laundry: bleach only when necessary

* cleaning: avoid disposable cleaning utensils

* summer cottages: do not discharge waste water in water bodies


* prefer ecologically produced textiles


* buy less clothes, prefer quality and clothes that don’t ware out easily, reduce waste

* trends come and go, be faithful to your style, but consider also the environment

Household Appliances

* pay attention to guarantee, it gives you an idea of the life cycle planned for the product

* repair rather than buy new

* keep appliances clean, avoid unnecessary repairs

* compare the consumption of water and energy – the cheapest alternative might not always be the most cost-effective in use

* pay attention to recycling and waste management issues (electronic waste is considered as hazardous waste )

* use appliances with suitable sizes, small household requires smaller laundry machines and refrigerators than a large one

* if power of the appliance can be adjusted, use only the power that is needed (for example vacuum cleaners)


* prefer biodegradable, natural materials

* prefer quality and pay attention to the life cycle of furniture, expensive furniture may be affordable in the long run

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

About Fair Trade

This post is part of the Blog Action Day

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing their rights of, disadvantaged producers and workers – especially in the South. Fair Trade organizations (backed by consumers) are actively engaged in supporting producers in awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practices of conventional international trade.

Fair Trade's strategic intent is:

* Deliberately to work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move from a position of vulnerability to security and economic self-sufficiency.
* To empower producers and workers as stakeholders in their own organizations;
* Actively to play a wider role in the global arena to achieve greater equity in international trade.

Impact Areas

Beyond the Fair Price

The concept of Fairtrade, however, goes far beyond a simple economic transaction. What is at the heart of Fairtrade is that buyers and producers build long term partnerships. Unlike aid, which is dependent on donors, Fairtrade offers a more sustainable way for farmers, workers and their families to improve their livelihoods.

Better living conditions

The social, working and living conditions of the producers, the workers and their families are considerably improved over time. The benefits often extend to the entire community, which thanks to the Fairtrade Premium can actively impact upon the lives of individuals: improve health services, provide medical supplies, build community stores for low-priced staple foods, provide educational facilities and extend educational opportunities for children. For example, the Costa Rican coffee cooperative consortium COOCAFE uses Fairtrade revenues to fund improvements in 70 local schools and has already provided 6,700 scholarships to students so they can attend high school and university.

Environmental Sustainability

Fairtrade farmers and workers respect the environment and are encouraged to engage in sustainable methods of production. Farmers implement integrated crop management and avoid the use of toxic agrochemicals for pest management. Nearly 85 percent of Fairtrade certified coffee is also organic, which is better for the environment and for the health of the workers.

Access to international markets

For small and marginalised producers it is very difficult to access international markets. They lack access to information, infrastructure and influence on market price or tariff rates. Fairtrade helps producers to gain a better understanding of international markets. It provides the producers with contacts and mobilises resources to present the products at international fairs. Last but not least, Fairtrade helps to build capacity and confidence to sell Fairtrade products also on the conventional markets. Read about the Surin rice Fund Cooperative in Thailand and its success.

The empowerment of women

Important investments can be made in women’s income generating activities that are not related to the farm, thereby strengthening their income, business experience and position in the family. This has taken place in ‘Las Hermanas’ for example, a women’s cooperative founded by the Soppexcca coffee cooperative in Nicaragua, where 184 women own their own plots of land and commercialize their produce internationally. Read about the successful initiative of female workers in a Fairtrade tea plantation in India.

Long-term investments

Long-term investments in pension schemes, life insurance, loan schemes for business development, income diversification schemes etc. can be financed. Read about the achievementsof the Heiveld tea cooperative in South Africa.

Overcoming racial discrimination

One of the aims of Fairtrade is to promote equal rights amongst different ethnical groups and to overcome racial discrimination. For instance, in South Africa the Joint Body is promoting entrepreneurship because it is linked to the governments program to make black workers co-owners of plantations owned by whites. Plantations must be at least 25% black-owned to enter Faitrade.
Community solidarity

The Fairtrade system has been criticised for singling out producer groups that enjoy fair trading conditions while their neighbours or colleagues need to continue working under poor conditions. But research has shown that benefits of the Fairtrade system often spill over and solidarity with other disadvantaged but non-Fairtrade producers can increase. For example, in Indonesia, Fairtrade revenues made it possible for members of the Gayo Organic Coffee Farmers Association (PPKGO), in Aceh to provide humanitarian aid for victims of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the region in December 2004. PPKGO supplied eight truckloads of food for disaster victims, and cooperative members led teams of volunteers in the relief effort.
Ensuring labour rights

Thanks to Fairtrade, workers take on a more active role on the farm, plantation or factory where they are working. They are more involved in the business practices and more aware of their rights. It is often also the first time that they become part of a trade union in order to defend their rights. They also gain experience in dealing with the premiums, such as handling banks, making decisions on how to best spend the money and how to organise themselves. Teresa Wanjiru Muki Ri, a grader in the pack house of Flower Panda, a Fairtrade flower farm in Kenya explains “I have been paid my pro-rata leave dues and I am benefiting from a provision of free basic medical cover. I have also learnt about freedom of association which I was not really aware of before”.

A stronger business approach

Last but not least, Fairtrade enables stronger organisations to develop, which are more experienced in accountancy, business planning, literacy etc. It also improves the quality of the product and provides better access to international markets (also to non-Fairtrade markets for high quality products) through the establishment of long-term trading relationships.

Source: http://www.fairtrade.net/

What is a menstrual cup?

This post is part of the Blog Action Day. It's those little choices that make a difference. This is one of them:

Menstrual cup is a silicon cup which is a cheap, easy and natural alternative to means of protection during menstruation used nowadays. One menstrual cup, if used correctly, may last for 10 years!

Why a menstrual cup?

After a short period of adaptation, you forget that you are even using a cup. You can use the cup up to 10 hours - longer than any sanitary napkin or tampon.

The menstrual cup can be used imperceptibly at any time. You can swim, go to the gym, or sleep naked like you would any other time.

The menstrual cup is a durable, one-time-purchase, and doesn't continuously require replenishment of your stock of tampons and sanitary napkins.

The menstrual cup is a more hygienic option than the tampon. It won't dry mucous membranes, or cause irritation or itchiness.

The cup is tidy to handle, and a bathroom's trashcan won't fill quickly with used sanitary napkins. Using the menstrual cup gets rid of a tremendous amount of waste.

The time of "disposable culture" is perhaps not over yet, but we are a step closer. Luckily!

Did it really take so long to invent?
Not at all. It was already invented decades ago. In the meantime, it became common to glorify disposable products. Then we realized that rubbish won't disappear from the world when it is put in a waste container. Now people are beginning to get back to more rational solutions, without roughing it.

You can purchase a menstrual cup here: http://www.kuukuppi.fi/


Chuck Norris Appreciation

# When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

# Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

# There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

# Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.

# Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

#Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

# Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

# There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.

# When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.

# Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

# Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

# Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.

# Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.

# Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a DeltaForce marathon on Satellite TV.

# Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.


Today's cat pic




Goodnight moon

And God Created The Cat

It is reported that the following edition of the Book of Genesis was
discovered in the Dead Seal Scrolls.

And Adam said, "Lord, when I was in the garden, you walked
with me everyday. Now I do not see you anymore. I am lonesome
here and it is difficult for me to remember how much you love me."

And God said, "No problem! I will create a companion for you
that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love
for you, so that you will know I love you, even when you cannot see me.

Regardless of how selfish and childish and unlovable you may be,
this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you
as I do, in spite of yourself."

And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam.
And it was a good animal. And God was pleased.

And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and he wagged
his tail. And Adam said, "But Lord, I have already named all the
animals in the Kingdom and all the good names are taken and
I cannot think of a name for this new animal."

And God said, "No problem! Because I have created this new
animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a
reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG."

And Dog lived with Adam and was a companion to him and
loved him. And Adam was comforted. And God was pleased.
And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

After a while, it came to pass that Adam's guardian angel came to
the Lord and said, "Lord, Adam has become filled with pride. He
struts and preens like a peacock and he believes he is worthy
of adoration. Dog has indeed taught him that he is loved, but no
one has taught him humility."

And the Lord said, "No problem! I will create for him a companion
who will be with him forever and who will see him as he is. The
companion will remind him of his limitations, so he will know
that he is not worthy of adoration."

And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam. And Cat
would not obey Adam. And when Adam gazed into Cat's eyes,
he was reminded that he was not the supreme being.
And Adam learned humility.

And God was pleased. And Adam was greatly improved.

And Cat did not care one way or the other.

Mad TV


Madonna & Britney:

Grey's Anatomy:

Today's cat pic



Please take 30 seconds to do this

The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman It takes less than a minute to go to their site
and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers
use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Think pink!



Busy as a bee

I've had so much to do this week and the busy times will still continue. I wrote almost four pages today and after that we drove to Tapiola Stockmann. We bought cat food and presents for Leeko and Little Paavo (our neighbors dogs). Tomorrow I have to study for an exam and also in some point of this week I have start doing the study about the organizational commitment.

Today I filled the application for the Asia program 2008. It is a study program that is arranged by various Finnish universities. I hope I get accepted to that. It will start on the spring and continue till the next fall. My school will support me to get in to the program.

Now I'm so tired that I need to get some sleep.


Today's cat pic



I've been so busy with my studies lately that I have not been able to write my blog properly. It will be like this for the coming weeks too.

Tomorrow I have an exam. I hope I will pass that. I have been studying the whole weekend. Today something like ten hours or so. I did some raking in the garden and we also went to sauna, but that was about it. Otherwise I have been reading. I didn't have time to do my Chinese assignment. I have to do those next week.

I have so much to do with the school now that I'm close to a nervous breakdown. The school is not the only reason why I'm feeling this stressed at the moment. I wish I could stop worrying about money and just concentrate on studying.

This coming week I'm also applying to the Asia program 2008. I will tell you more about that later.

On Friday we met Pikku Paavo (Little Paavo) The new dog of our neighbours Elina and Joonas. He is so cute! I have a video about him too and I might put it here later.

Here are some pics from this weekend:

Pikku Paavo


Todays's cat pic




Today's cat pics

This weeks has been a pain in the butt so I deserve something to make me smile and think funny and cute things for a while. The cure for the most bad things in life are cats at least for me. They can make you smile and feel less sad or angry. They calm you down and help you sleep. They take life as it is and don't worry about things.

I hope to get you smile with these pics:

This one looks like Cuukus a.k.a. Mupsus Pupikus a.k.a. Cuki a.k.a. Pupi officially Piki.

Pics are from http://icanhascheezburger.com/


Today's cat pic


A dissatisfied Tuesday

I have been feeling rather angry and dissatisfied for the reasons that I won't be writing about here. Let's just say that there are things I need at the moment and they are:

1) time

2) more time

3) a new job

I have been writing my study today. I finally got the book or both of the books that I ordered. The theory book is the one that I need for the questions. I might be able to do the interviews already this week. It would surely make my life much more easier as I only have two weeks to do it.

Today I found out that there will be another work that I must put more effort on and then of course on Monday there is an exam. Now I'm getting that desperation that I had pretty much the whole last year. I just wish I had some money so that I wouldn't have to work daily.

Today I also found out that it would be possible to apply for the Asian study program. Then I might have to commit to do all the 25 op (learning points) and that is quite a lot. I was considering doing only part as that option was also given. I have to ask tomorrow about that. It might just be a bit too much. The Asia program would begin on the next spring. It would include courses of culture, politics, business, communication and language.