
Homeless dogs and cats

I got one comment from Enkeli about adopting a dog. She asked me if there are any homeless dogs in Helsinki/Finland. Obviously the homeless dogs are not as common here as they are in Spain, Estonia or for instance in Russia. There are many homeless cats though.

I promised to give her some links where she can find out more about homeless dogs/(cats). I hope my other readers would also take a few minutes and go through couple of these links.

Kissa-kaveria ei jätetä!

Helsingin eläinsuojeluyhdistys: http://www.hesy.fi/

Löytöeläintalo Viikissä: http://www.loytoelaintalo.fi/

From here you find many links about the dogs that are looking for a home: http://www.tunturisusi.com/koiralinkit/rescue.html

More links: http://koiratarhat.com/23

Dogs that are given away: http://www.lemmikkipalstat.net/apula/koirat.htm

Homeless dogs from Estonia: http://www.pets.ee/

Rekku Rescue: http://www.rekkurescue.com/koirat_koditta.php

Stories about rescue dogs by their new owners (in finnish): http://www.miajoki.com/dogstory.htm

More stories about rescue dogs http://www.pelastetaankoirat.com/paivakirja.htm

"Maailmassa on tällä hetkellä arviolta 600 miljoonaa koiraa, joista 80% on kodittomia tai ei-toivottuja." WSPA

"There are hundreds of millions stray or unwanted dogs and cats. The potential for suffering is huge." WSPA


Enkeli said...


I have now so much information that I don't even know how to start! haha
I will start by reading (I have difficulties to understand finnish and my man is not always around to help me :P) and maybe contacting some shelter.

To be honest, I didn't know about the abandoned cats I just thought if there weren't dogs, there would cats?but I guess people are the same in every place, some of them they think an animal is a toy :\

Thanx a lot Eveliina!! :))

Eveliina said...

You are very welcome. :0) I'm glad I could help and maybe one more dog or cat can have a good home this way.

If you need some help, just let me know.