
Nika's first week at home

The week has gone by really fast. I started my days very early this week by going for a walk with Nika. I arrive from work quite late in the evening, because it takes me an hour to get to work. It's starting to annoy me. In the evening we go for a walk together. In the day time Chris goes out with Nika two times. So she gets plenty of exercise per day.

On thursday I got a new hair cut and now my hair is a lot shorter. I like it, it's much more quicker to dry etc. I have been letting my hair grow for the past five years and it has been a long time since I last time had this short hair.

Now I'm going to get some breakfast and in some point we are going for a longer walk with Nika. We might also get a visitor today.

Yesterday Nika was in Nuuksio during the day. Here are some pics from there.


petrabar said...

kauniita kuvia!

pileet alkaa klo 13 joten arvioisin neljän viiden aikaan niiden olevan ohi, laitan viestiä tai soitan ja kysyn missä te meette silloin...

Eveliina said...

Ok, viestittele sitten.