
Greetings from Thailand!

Chris' parents came back from Thailand on Friday. They spend one month at their Phuket home Aspasia. We visited them today and had fathers day dinner and sauna in Marjaniemi. The weather was quite bad today and the bus ride there took forever.

We got some nice gifts from Thailand as well:

A beautiful orchid,

a bag of coconut toffee,

few super hot chillies,

seaweed for me to make maki sushi,

ginger tea

and spicy green curry


Anonymous said...

ihhannii tulkkuja!!

ja orkideat on upeita, saako niitä muuten nykyään tuoda laillisesti sieltä Suomeen?!

suit you! sir!

Eveliina said...

Ihqui! Jaa-a, vaikea sanoa, epäilen että ei sais..Elintarvikkeita ei ainaskaan sais tuua...