
At home with the flu

I got the flu and the tea did not help too much. Today I need to study and in the evening I have lectures. Luckily on Wednesday I don't have lectures.

I just got an email saying that the second part of the Intensive Chinese Business Course is cancelled. The professor wasn't able to come from Beijing. I can now choose to do an assignments or exam based on two books or attend next year to a course held in Malmi. The course is pretty inconvenient for me. I'm not sure yet if I'm having another course at that time and I'm not too willing to travel to another side of the town either. So I probably choose either the assignment or the exam.

It will be only two and a half weeks to our Halloween party. I have my costume ready and waiting in the closet. Quite many people have said they will be coming.

I should get something done here now, but first a cup of tea.


petrabar said...

voj jösses, mulla on kyllä joku pahemman luokan lukihäirä; nyt luin että kurssin toinen osa pidetään Miamissa... little inconvenient?

hirveän moni on muuten nyt kipeänä, itse olen säästynyt toistaiseksi...

krya på dig!

Eveliina said...

Miami kuulostaa kyllä paljon houkuttelevammalta kuin Malmi. Valitettavasti meidän koululla ei ole siellä pistettä, ainakaan vielä.

Sulla on kyllä hyvä lukihäikiö. Hehe..

Mä olen nyt niin tukossa, että on aika tukala olla. Koulukin jäi tänään väliin..