
A dissatisfied Tuesday

I have been feeling rather angry and dissatisfied for the reasons that I won't be writing about here. Let's just say that there are things I need at the moment and they are:

1) time

2) more time

3) a new job

I have been writing my study today. I finally got the book or both of the books that I ordered. The theory book is the one that I need for the questions. I might be able to do the interviews already this week. It would surely make my life much more easier as I only have two weeks to do it.

Today I found out that there will be another work that I must put more effort on and then of course on Monday there is an exam. Now I'm getting that desperation that I had pretty much the whole last year. I just wish I had some money so that I wouldn't have to work daily.

Today I also found out that it would be possible to apply for the Asian study program. Then I might have to commit to do all the 25 op (learning points) and that is quite a lot. I was considering doing only part as that option was also given. I have to ask tomorrow about that. It might just be a bit too much. The Asia program would begin on the next spring. It would include courses of culture, politics, business, communication and language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Mullakin on lauantaina tentti ja lukeminen on todella vaikeaa tällä viikolla; hirveesti töitä, pääkipua ja väsymystä, täytyy yrittää valvoa yks yö et kerkeis lukee...

Tsemppiä meille kaikille!!!!