

Another weekend is coming to it´s end.
On Friday I visited Tanja, Pasi and Elina in Kallio. Tanja had made some nami mexican food. Chris was having bad neck pains so he had to leave work earlier and could not visit Tanja and Pasi. The neck kept troubling him the whole weekend.
On Saturday I had to study and I also cleaned the house and put some summer clothes away. In the evening we went to sauna at my moms. She is still in Spain.
On Sunday I had to study again. I have to write an essay, so I also started writing it. In the evening then we watched a film called "Devil Wears Prada".
Next week I have no school on tuesday, but my school group is having a meeting. We are doing a project work about Nanso and we have to have a schedule done by Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mitäs tääl on tapahtunu ku esim. kenkä inläggi on poissa,samoin sun kuva jne. onko tullu jotain häiriötä?