
Today's cat pic


Tähän asti tapahtunutta Eveliinan elämässä

Olen tehnyt oman henkilökohtaisen ennätyksen siinä kuinka usein päätä voi viikon aikana särkeä ja kuinka monta migreenikohtausta yhteen viikkoon saa mahtumaan.

Viikon sisään mulla on nyt kolmas migreenikohtaus menossa ja niiden välissä on ollut "tavallista päänsärkyä", joten niitä päiviä kun päätä ei ole särkenyt on aika vähän. Tästä aiheesta ja vähän muustakin kirjoitin tänään lääkärille. Hän on lomalla, joten saan vastauksen / soittelen hänelle ensi viikolla. Aiheeseen liittyen olisi paljonkin sanottavaa, mutta katson tällä hetkellä järkevämmäksi olla ihan hiljakseen.

Tällä viikolla ei onneksi ole ollut koulua tai olisi eilen, mutta olin konsertissa. Myös mitään tehtäviä ei ole erääntynyt, enkä varmaan olisi niitä pystynyt edes tekemään. Tenttiin sain luettua noin 15 sivua, sitten särky kävi liian kovaksi.

Olo on kyllä taas semmoinen, että kohta olen jossain parantolassa. Syksyllä oltiin hyvin lähellä täydellistä romahdusta. Toivottavasti nyt ei tarvi mennä ihan niin pitkälle. Vielä kun vähän jaksaisi, ei ole kovin paljoa jäljellä enää. Siitäkin aiheesta myöhemmin lisää.

Nyt on aika vähän kerrottavaa, kun kaikki isot asiat on semmoisia mistä en vielä voi puhua. Ne on kyllä hyvin positiivisia asioita. Lupaan, että tilitys tulee myös niistä negatiivisista asioista ennemmin tai myöhemmin, kun aika on kypsä.

Eilen olin siis konsertissa, josta sain otettua kokonaista kaksi kuvaa. Sitten hyytyi kameran patterit. Konsertti oli hieno, mahtava ja upea. Tykkäsin kovasti. Tänään olinkin sen ansiosta iltapäivään asti hyvällä tuulella. No enpä ole enää.

Nyt täytyy piristää itseä hyvällä ruoalla ja sitten lukea Kiinan ja Japanin kulttuurihistoriasta. Pari luentoa pitää myös kuunnella islamista. Nyt on alkanut uusi verkkokurssi, johon pitäisi tutustua. Tekemistä riittää. Toivottavasti lääke pitää isomman säryn poissa.


Today's cat pic


Oih ja voih miten suloinen. Nyt iskee kissavauvakuume.

Mao = cat = kissa

Tänään olen tehnyt kahta ryhmätyötä, opiskellut kiinaa, leiponut mustikkapiirakan ja valmistanut illallisen (mustekalarenkaita, röstiperunaa ja salaattia). Oli muuten todella hyvää.
Unohdin eilen mainita, että tein hapanimelää kastiketta kanan ja vihannesten kanssa. Oli parempaa, kuin olen ikinä missään kiinalaisessa saanut. Se oli vielä mun eka hapanimeläkastike ikinä. Kuinkahan hyvää se on ensi kerralla. Nam!

Pitäisi vielä lukea vähän tenttikirjaa Kiinan ja Japanin kulttuurihistoriasta.

Taidan kuitenkin ensin käväistä pesemässä hiukset ja sitten saatan vielä syödä palan herkullista mustikkapiirakkaa.

Tässä tämän päivän kiinan harjoituksia. Sanat sai valita itse.

Ikävää, että MacBookin kamera ottaa kuvat peilikuvana..

Kokeillaanpa paperin väärältä puolelta. Tadaa!

Pörri on koko ajan mukana, opiskellessa, ruokaillessa.. Nyt se alkaa näyttää väsymisen merkkejä ja suuntaakin juuri makkariin.


Today's cat pic


Miau! It's Monday.

I finally manage to write here.

My studies have begun and I have a bit to do at the moment. There are two group projects that have deadlines this week and then there are normal assignments and two exams coming in three weeks. I have again quite busy times here. I guess on the coming weekends I have to concentrate on my books. I also have to decide from which topic I'm going to write an essay for the Asia 2008 course. There are many interesting topics to choose from.

Today as I was going through my calendar and I realized something. I have been studying almost for two years soon and the time there is left is getting less and less. I have to make some "big" decisions soon. The first regarding next fall. I won't tell you about that yet, but it's going to be something that I have been waiting for a very long time. Then I have to decide where I'm going to do my work practice. I want it to be as close as possible to my future work. There is a possibility that it's going to be abroad. I have to make a decision about that probably this spring.

On weekend I chilled the most of the time here at home and on Saturday me and Elina went to see a film called "Two Days in Paris". It was a quite funny and I enjoyed it a lot. After that we went to have few drinks in Kaisla. That was the third weekend on a row that I enjoyed the "nightlife" of Helsinki.

On the coming Friday me and Chris are attending Sasku and Mia's party.


Today's cat pic


About relationships

Tonights topic is relationships. There are some things that have given me lot to think about in past years and even right at this very moment. Those issues are faithfulness and respect towards own and other peoples relationships as well as how people see marriage, engagement or dating.

I have experience in dating, engagement and how it feels to get cheated and lied to in a relationship. I also have experience on men trying to hit on me although they know I'm are not available.

I myself have high respect on marriage and commitment. I see myself as a very loyal and committed person who can only be with one person at the time. For me being in a relationship is same as respecting, loving and putting the other person before you. Lies, playing games or cheating are not things I could stand or tolerate.

People today seem to have different ideas about marriage or relationships. These seem to be replaceable if something more interesting comes along. It's the rush that takes over and people make misjudgments and wrong decision in the heat of the moment. Afterwards they regret it, but then it's often too late.

I hate it when people play games in a relationship. When you are with someone then be committed to him or her. If it does not work then TALK to the person and get professional help. If it still does not work, then it might be better to break up, call of the engagement or get divorced. If you are flirting and playing games with other people on the side then you are on a very thin ice.

Have you ever been lied to or cheated?

I have and I can tell you after that you never see the person the same way you did. You will never be able to trust him again. (or maybe after many many years, but it will take a lot of time). So basically after that the relationship you had is broken beyond repair. There will also be very strong negative feelings of hate, disgust and disbelief. So it will be very difficult to handle any things with person who is going through these feelings. If it's a case of a divorce and there are also kids involved then it's not looking very pretty. In a worse scenario the person who got cheated will get back to you. She/he might even try to poison those kids minds against you.

The question that remains is: Was it really worth it?

What's with those people who see that you are taken and still try to flirt and hit on you. To be honest I'm totally sick with that.

Especially men get often wrong ideas. This has happened to me more than once. When I'm my lovely self and talk to people and maybe even smile occasionally and what happens next is me hearing I love yous. Then it gets really awkward. I'm trying to be very polite and say that I'm not interested and that I'm actually seeing someone or as the case is now I'm engaged to someone. I can tell you this has not happened to me in some nightclub or anything like that but in everyday life and I have just been my casual self.

The next act in this "play" is, and this irritates me the most, "the cranky stage". After I tell the person, who told me he is interested, that I'm taken (and not interested in him in any level) the latter part I never say out laud I'm too nice. Then they get really upset and mad at me.

So as outcome from all of this I think it's better not to smile or keep the smiles minimum. Tell as little about you as possible and if you get the vibe from someone, then just avoid him. If you don't avoid him then you are in the middle of this awkward stuff that you never really asked for.

As an end note I can tell you that I'm happily engaged and in love with my fiancé. He is the most loving, kind and special man I have ever met. The cheating and lying that I wrote about happened in a previous relationship years ago.

How to Have an Exclusive, Long Term, Mature, Serious (& Healthy) Relationship


1. Time Together: You have to see one another face-to-face frequently to make it work, you need to be carving out times for dates for you two as a couple. Even if you have to mark it down on calendars, do it! Call each other often too. Basically if you're a girlfriend or a boyfriend, anything you do together and anywhere you go is a date. (etc).

2. Time Apart: You have to be independent also - you need to spend time away from one another. You have to be capable of being a healthy and happy individual without your boyfriend or girlfriend around all the time. You need to balance the time you have - between your friends, family, time for yourself, your hobbies/interests, school (if you're still getting some kind of education), your job/career, (etc). Have your own life apart form your relationship. (etc).

3. Communication: You have to communicate verbally (talk) with one another. About the serious, important, and major issues, and also about the joking, non-serious, unimportant, little stuff too. Anything you want to basically - how your day went, viewpoints, opinions, thoughts, wants, needs, desires, ambitions, goals, your past, how you want your future to be, hopes, dreams, insecurities, fears, wishes, what's going on in your life, (etc). Basically anything.

4. Trust: You have to trust each other for your relationship to work and not be torn apart by jealousy. You need to trust each other enough to not think that they will cheat or do anything else to hurt you emotionally, physically, or otherwise.

5. Support: You must support each other through thick and thin no matter what. Uplift the other person in good ways. Be there (physically, emotionally, any way you can, etc.) for each other during the happy times and the not so happy times. It will make all the difference!

6. Honesty: You MUST be honest and truthful with each other on everything and about anything and everything that may come up. Lies (even if the other person never finds out the truth) will just weaken your bond / relationship and eventually make you grow apart. Especially if you wait a long time to tell him / her. So the best thing to do is to always be honest with the other person and tell them right away.

7. Self-Respect: Only you control how someone else treats you. Letting someone walk all over you, always doing what they want, and having no boundaries makes you resentful over time and far less attractive.

8. Respect: Respect is a biggy. You need to respect and accept each other's body, feelings, wants, needs, and everything else that comes along with being with the other person. Respect is also no abuse or mistreatment or damage or usage in any way, shape, or form, (physically, emotionally, sexually, verbally, etc).

How to Have an Exclusive, Long Term, Mature, Serious (& Healthy) Relationship by wikiHow

How to Reject Someone Without Breaking Their Heart

Ever wanted to reject someone without the heartbreak and tears? It's not that hard, really. Just be sure to follow a few of these ideas and you will be able to step away from the encounter unscathed.


1. Look around to make sure no one's watching. The worst that can happen is being rejected in front of other people! If there are people present, take their arm and try to slide away from the others. Perhaps if you can slip into a semi-private corner or at least to where the others are not within hearing distance.

2. Act like you feel sorry, and smile at the right times. Make sure you smile regretfully, like you really just wish you could give them a chance but it's not going to happen. This will soften the actual blow from the words.

3. Cheer them up a little. Be very kind to the person; being kind makes it easier on them. Be sure that your kindness does not stray into pity. The worst thing in a rejection is pity. They have put all their dignity and pride on the line, and pitying them will only make it harder on both of you to stay calm. If you act like you really don't want this person, be prepared for their reactions, mostly dejection, awkwardness and pain.

4. Use a calm, collected voice when speaking to them. Don't blurt out the first thing that comes into your head. Take a pause before you say anything and think of the best thing to say to either end all of the attraction instantly or keep them as a friend. Act like you care when you say "No", or you may start waterworks.


* Don't be so rude to them! What point would there be in trying not to break their heart if you're rude!?

* If the person gets mad, stay calm and keep acting a little sorry, but happy as well to try to calm them down.

* The best thing to say when turning down someone that you do know or will have to see on a regular basis is that you value their friendship more than anything. This gives them their answer, without giving them any hope for the future.

* If this is a person that you don't like at all, or will not have to ever see again, then keep the rejection as blunt as possible without being unnecessarily mean. This guarantees that they will not try again and will also not say bad things about you when you're not around.


* Do not flirt with them during or anytime soon after the rejection. It is very easy to just charm them with a compliment as you let them down, but be sure not to lay it on too thick or the "No" you are issuing will not be heard.

* If you feel,however, that although now is not the right time, but maybe someday, give them hope with clear outlines. Let them know where they stand and perhaps what is holding you back from saying yes now.

How to Reject Someone Without Breaking Their Heart by wikiHow

How to Find out if a Person You're Interested in is Already Taken

One of the most important things to find out about a potential date is if she already is taken. This will show you how to find out if she has a relationship without actually asking her. (This can work with guys, too.)


1. Check out her Myspace, Xanga, Facebook, or any other social networking site she may have. If you don't know if she has one, search by name, ZIP code, school, or other attributes.

2. Ask what she's been up to recently. Try to draw out answers that will make her say "I did this with my boyfriend." Asking about her weekend is a good bet.

3. Try to find out through one of your friends. They may be able to find out and are not as likely to blab that you like her.

4. Act like you're settling some sort of argument. For example say, "Do you like when your boyfriend calls you a lot? My friend doesn't think he should call his girlfriend everyday, but it seems like girls like that." Go on with it until you find out.

5. If all else fails, ask her on a date, and then she should say if she's in a relationship.


* Try not to be too obvious. The object is to find out without actually asking her, and avoiding any embarrassing or uncomfortable situations.

* On the other hand, if you're comfortable in your relationship and you are tactful, you might try asking her directly. Be careful, as this will almost certainly tell her that you're interested in her.

* One good way of finding out about a girl you've recently met (or are meeting for the first time at a party) is to ask, "So where's your boyfriend?" or "How is your boyfriend doing?" If the girl has a boyfriend, she will answer the question, but if she doesn't, she will be slightly confused or laugh and say, "Oh, I don't have a boyfriend." That gives you an opportunity to say something like, "Well, I just assumed a girl as as you would already have a boyfriend." This approach allows you to compliment the girl and start flirting with her if she doesn't have a boyfriend, but if she does, you can find out without looking foolish or desperate.

How to Find out if a Person You're Interested in is Already Taken by wikiHow


Today's cat pic


How to Communicate With Your Cat?

Scientists have discovered that cats have developed an elaborate communication system with hundreds of vocalizations to tell humans what they want.[1] They know that we are in charge, so it makes sense for the cat to learn to communicate vocally, and to make sure that we understand what they are saying. Cats can also learn to understand what we want them to do by our repetition of words or actions in a consistent manner.[2] In this way, we are able to communicate with cats in a dialog that takes time and effort to develop but is very rewarding for both.


Remember that vocalizing is not your cat's preferred mode of communication

A cat's "first language" consists of a complex system of scent, facial expression, complex body language, and touch whereas we humans communicate primarily through sound. Cats soon realize that we don't understand the non-verbal signals they send to each other, so they vocalize in an attempt to communicate in our language. By observing which sounds elicit which actions from us, a cat is always learning how to make requests (or demands).[3]

Listen to your cat

If you watch what your cat is doing when it meows, you may learn to distinguish which meows are associated with which requests (or protests) and eventually know the difference between a "let me out" demand and a "give me food" demand by sound alone.[4] Each cat is different and may have its own variations, but some common meows can include:

* Short meow - standard greeting.
* Multiple meows - excited greeting.
* Mid-pitch meow - plea for something.
* Drawn-out mrrroooow - a demand for something.
* Low pitch MRRRooooowww - a complaint
* High-pitch RRRROWW! - anger or pain.
* Chatter (rapid teeth-chattering jaw movements) - excitement, frustration (e.g. when prey is out of reach or escapes)
* Chirrup (a cross between a meow and a purr with rising inflection) - friendly greeting sound
* Purr - invites close contact or attention

Watch your cat

Since cats are more "fluent" in body language, certain gestures will accompany vocalizations to reinforce their message.

* tail straight up - happy
* tail twitching - excited or anxious
* slowly blinking eyes - affection, equivalent of "blowing a kiss"

* sustained eye contact is interpreted as being assertive or even aggressive and makes cats uncomfortable; slow blinking communicates trust[5]
* ears back - alarmed
* rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal - greeting ritual
* head-butting - friendliness, affection
* face sniffing - confirming identity
* ears back and flattened - fearful and anxious

Talk back

As mentioned earlier, cats are always learning how to communicate with us; the more we communicate with them, the faster they'll learn.[6]

* Use a slightly raised tone of voice to indicate friendliness and a lowered tone of voice to indicate displeasure or aggression.[7]
* Repeat the same word, sleep or bed, each time you go to bed, and eventually your cat will begin to associate the repetitive word sound with your actions, and may even get to the bedroom before you.
*Use the word shower consistently each time you are ready to take one, and eventually your cat may beat you to the bathroom and might even curl up in the sink to wait for you.

* If you blink slowly when making eye contact with your cat, they will usually respond by coming over to be petted, as it is a very non-threatening gesture.

Be consistent

For example, a cat often "asks" before invading another's space and a common blunder many pet owners make is to say "no" but pet the cat at the same time. This is very confusing to the cat. Instead, a very quick "no" combined with gently but firmly pushing the cat away from you, without showing affection, will let the cat know that their presence is not desired at this time. Most cats will try 2-3 times to invade a person's space, often from different directions. Be patient when saying "no" to them.

* If they do something you do not approve of, spray them lightly with water. Eventually all you will have to do is pick up the spray bottle, and they will stop.
* A can of compressed air can be used as an alternative to water, it'll make less mess of the house and makes a loud hissing noise cats don't like
* Alternatively, if you object to the method of spraying your cat with water you can also develop a "command tone" to use with your cat when they are doing something seriously wrong. Use a voice that comes naturally to you, that you can replicate easily, but that is also distinct from your everyday talking voice. If you use this voice sparingly, but seriously, then your cat will learn to associate the voice with the idea that they are being naughty.
* Another easy "no" command that cats all understand is a quick, sharp, hiss or "spit" sound as is made by their own kind when they themselves say "no".


* Treat your cat with love and respect and they will become a very happy and loving companion and friend. Talk to them softly and watch how they listen.
* With patience cats can be trained to respond to commands, much the same as dogs. You can even teach your cat to shake your hand.
* Siamese cats have been observed to be especially "talkative", while long-haired cats tend to be on the quieter side.[8] But of course, there are always exceptions!

How To Communicate with your cat by wikiHow


Past week in two minutes

I haven't been too active in updating my blogg lately. There has not been a lot happening this past week. My Asia studies started and I have been listening to lectures about culture history in East- and South-East Asia. Today I listened a lectures about western culture influences in Japan from 1543-1953 and about East-Asian aesthetic values. It was very interesting.

Tomorrow the rest of the courses are starting and I will have enough to do the next few months.

Yesterday we were at the movies with Elina and Joonas. We also ate at Anapurna. The film we saw was called The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford. It was a pretty good film.


So that's what has been happening to me this past week.

Congratulations to all my friends who are expecting a baby. This coming summer is gonna be a busy baby summer! :0)

Chris Rock Show

When Animals Attack in High Speed Chases II

Today's cat pic



Today's cat quote

Anyone who has owned many cats in long succession can define his or her life as a series of furry episodes.

-Roger Caras

A Celebration of Cats (1989)


Today's furry friends

She is a Cuci look a like :0)


We are going to a concert of Ròisìn Murphy

We bought the tickets today to see Ròisìn Murphy perform in Kulttuuritalo at the end of this month.

Today started also officially my Asia 2008 program. I will get into that tomorrow. I have just been chilling at home after the work and have not been in a mood for doing anything.

Here is Ròisìn Murphy:

Let Me Know

Standing In The Way Of Control

Sinking Feeling


Nadine and Markus visiting us

Here are some photos from this week. Nadine and Markus stayed at our place from New Years eve till today.

We visited the sights in Helsinki. On Thursday we were downtown just walking around the city. On Friday we were in Suomenlinna and in Kiasma. On Friday it was very cold because of the wind. On Saturday we went to Seurasaari and the wind felt even colder than on Friday. We drank coffee and tea in Tamminiemi café. After the walk we went to Sauna and in the evening we did some bowling in Kamppi. Me, Nadine and Markus continued the evening in Cuba bar.

Today we were again in downtown and we drove around with the tram 3B. We also went to Kallio church. At 16.15 Nadine and Markus left to the airport.

It was so nice having them here. The time went really fast and we did not have enough time to do or see everything we wanted. I hope they are coming back the next summer. In the summer it's so much nicer here and much more stuff to do.

Here are some photos from their visit.