..it would be a Chihuahua.
I fell in love with those in Hong Kong.
Julia and Ross from
Star Crossed Tattoo have Chihuahuas and they were so cute and friendly. I have never before considered having
a dog. But the idea of having a cute little dog here with us and our three cats feels just nice. I know that we can't have a dog now but maybe later when my studies are over and we know where we are going to live in the future.
She kinda looks like Piki a bit.

DescriptionThe tiny and distinctive-looking Chihuahua is commonly short-haired but is available in the long-haired variety. Coat colors of the Chihuahua include fawn, silver, chestnut, sand and steel, although the coat can be bi-colored. This breed has very unique features, including big, round, dark eyes; disproportionately large ears, which stand erect; a very short muzzle and round head; and a tiny but quite stout body. The Chihuahua has a very sweet expression and looks very fragile, although most are stronger than you might think. The breed is the smallest in the world, and you will find some Chihuahuas that are so tiny that they can fit on to your hand in standing position.
Chihuahua Dog Breed
Lively, affectionate and very loyal, the Chihuahua makes for a good companion. This breed loves company and attention, and is intelligent and responsive. The Chihuahua has been known to have a jealous streak, and may snap when teased, so if there are children in the family they must be taught to be gentle with the dog. The Chihuahua is a playful and robust little breed, with a tremendous amount of courage for its size. This breed can make a good family pet, providing it is given plenty of attention and is treated gently by children in the family – the breed may be best avoided for those with very young children that may not know any better. The Chihuahua can be aggressive with other animals and people without proper socialization, and the breed is also known to be highly protective of their owners.
Height and Weight
The typical height for a Chihuahua is 6-9 inches, with the approximate weight reaching 2-6 pounds. These are tiny dogs, even when adult, and therefore the environment in which they live in should reflect this, as should the way that the dog is handled by the family.
Common Health and Behavioral Problems
The Chihuahua can suffer from respiratory problems, like other short-muzzle breeds, and you may find that he wheezes, snores and becomes out of breath quickly. The eyes, which do tend to protrude a little, are also prone to become dry. Other health risks include collapsing trachea, dislocating kneecaps, stress, rheumatism and oral problems.
Ideal Living Conditions
These dogs are ideal for apartment living as well as living in a house environment. The Chihuahua does not like cold temperatures and should never be kept outside, although he will enjoy going for his walks and exercising. The Chihuahua needs to be warm, so do not shut this breed in a cold are of the house.
Exercise Requirements
The Chihuahua is surprisingly active for its little size, and moderate levels of exercise will keep him fir and happy. Walks and interactive play are ideal for this breed, although you should provide an additional coat for him when going out in colder weather.
Diet and Nutrition
A Chihuahua should be fed three small meals per day, which should be primarily meat-based. Remember that this is a tiny yet energetic breed, so you should resist the temptation to feed your dog too much per serving, but you should also avoid thinking that he doesn’t need regular meals because he is so small. Fresh water, as with all breeds, is vital at all times.
Life Expectancy
With a proper diet, healthy exercise and a well-suited lifestyle, the Chihuahua can live for over fifteen years. This will, of course, be dependant upon his overall health.
Grooming Requirements
Grooming for the short-haired Chihuahua is simple, and this variation of the breed can simply have his coat wiped over with a soft, damp cloth. An occasional brushing will also help to keep his coat in good condition. The long-haired variety required a little more effort and will need a daily brushing with a soft bristle brush. Fairly regular baths can be given to all varieties of this breed (every month or two).
The Chihuahua originates from Mexico and has been around for about a century. The breed is actually named after the Mexican state where it was first introduced, and there are various legends surrounding this dog. Some think that the Chihuahua was the sacred dog of the Aztecs and others think that the breed may have existed in ancient Egypt. The breed was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1904.