
Pretty things and bad weather

These are my favorite. I found them from Indiska. I should buy a few more and a big serving plate too. Turquoise is my favorite color and it goes so well with brown.

I got this Hello Kitty -ring from Petra. It was hard to photograph because it shines so bright.

On Friday we got two cards. "The rabbits" card is from Petra and "the hearts" card is from my grandmother.

I've had a headache almost the whole evening and some sort of allergy. I'm sneezing all the time and my nose and eyes are itching. It gets worse when I'm outside. It must be some tree or plant that is causing this. It is most likely Pujo = Mugwort or Common Wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris).

It was such a nice weather when I was at work and as soon as I started to walk home it got all dark and it started to rain.

It has rained the whole evening. The weather has been like this most of the month. It is so frustrating. We have a long and depressing fall and winter a head of us, so why does the summer has to be like this too?
Well, it is not as bad as in some countries or cities. London is suffering from major floods this summer.

I can't even think about the winter at the moment. It feels like it gets more and more difficult every year to handle the winter: the darkness and the cold weather. I really mean it when I say that I need to get away from here and live elsewhere. Some place, where the weather conditions are more bearable.

Summers in Finland are still the best.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful cups in a nice kitchen =)


Anonymous said...

mikäs tuo ihana laukku on tossa sormuskuvassa?!!?

Eveliina said...

Hihhei, se on yks miun uusista laukuista. Se tuli yhden muotilehdykän kylkiäisinä, jonka ostin Hong Kongista.

Eveliina said...

Nyt on muuten täällä töissäkin tuo hymynaama oikeassa paikassa. On se siis oma sijainti. En tiedä miksi se eilen oli niin pahasti pielessä..