
"Stop Setting Alarms on My Biological Clock"

I read three articles today all of which were actually pretty much about the same subject. It's funny how I accidentally bumped into them. Two of them were in the Internet and one of them in an old magazine at work. I thought I need to write about this issue as it has bothered me for a very long time and still does.

I hate it when people you hardly even know ask you intimate questions. Like when I was teenager people kept asking me if I already have a boyfriend and a long time I didn't, so I told them that I didn't. Well that was not all. The next question was "Why not?"

Why not?! Should you really answer to a question like that? I hated it, but I just smiled them politely and answered something.

The next big question has been and still is the baby question. I hate it even more. "When are you going to have children?" "Don't you think it's time for you to have children?" "I hope you didn't get any pressures from me asking." "Just wait when you have children."

When I have children. People just assume so much, too much.

How would you feel if you had desperately tried to have a child and then found out that you can't. You would be devastated and then someone you barely even know asks you: "Don't you think it's finally time to have children?"

Those asking should maybe think before opening their mouth.

Maybe you just don't want any children and you tell that to the person who asks you these questions about having kids. She then answers you with an all knowing smile on her face: "Oh, maybe you don't want kids now, but you will one day." Do I, really?! Well, may I ask you, how can you know me better than I do?

Of course it is better to have a choice. Or is it? You seem to need to have a reason not to have any children and if there is none then you are considered as a freak.

So, don't ask. Just mind your own damn business.

I found these articles interesting:

"Mama Don't Preach: Thoughts on Respecting Parenthood Decisions"
an article written by By Amy Reiter

"Stop Setting Alarms on My Biological Clock"
an article written by By Carrie Friedman

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